His Noble Excellency Bogie the Intransigent of Leper St George
Bogie is 12 years old. That's getting up there for a shar pei. I think he may be getting a little senile. He has re-started his boyhood habit of marking spots in our living room, a spare bedroom, and one of the bathrooms. He has also started reaching up to the counter-tops and taking whatever he finds interesting.
When we got home from an afternoon movie yesterday, we found that he had raided the countertop and pulled Bonnie's blood pressure pills down. He had broken the plastic container, and he (and/or his companion, Lucy) had managed to down about 5 of the 28 pills (at first we thought there were 48 pills and that 25 were gone). So we wasted no time getting them both to the emergency vet center.
The doctor forced them to vomit. Bogie's discharge had the definite bright yellow coloration of the pills, but Lucy's appeared clear. The decision was to give them both some activated charcoal to pull out any potential residue, and have them stay in the hospital overnight so their blood pressures could be monitored every couple of hours.
So we left them, and went home to a (very empty) house. The hospital called us about 8:30 a.m. with the good news. They had both done quite well overnight, with no blood pressure problems. We could bring them home with no special medication, and just keep an eye out for any anomalies in behavior.
Lucky Bogie! He had no apparent adverse effects and, because we acted quickly, probably no damage to liver or kidneys.
Poor Lucy! She had to go through the purge ordeal and a night in the strange place just because of Bogie's mischief.
Reverend Lady Lucy the Erudite of Helions Bumpstead
And poor Bonnie! She got the vet bill, and she had to spend a lonely, restless night without our two companions, worrying about their condition.
Bogie and Lucy have been home for about 4 hours now, and seem quite normal, albeit somewhat tired from their ordeal. Bonnie is tired, too.
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