Sunday, May 13, 2007

Rob Needs

I stumbled across another blogger who had Googled "(his name) needs." He published the results and suggested his readers might enjoy doing the same. So I gave it a try. The Google search produced 4,710,000 results. I only checked out the first 16. My favorites are No. 1, 6, 13, and 15.


1. Rob's Hard Hat--found at The Rob Store

2. A Hero

3. Therapy (You will too, after you spend a few minutes here--

4. A Job

5. A Professional Profile

6. To shut his gob

7. A copy editor

8. Credit for stepping up and fighting the biggest guy on the show!

9. A Net Clued Lawyer, urgently.

10. To move his legs and he prefers to do such with a lady dance

11. Replacement

12. Medicine

13. Your support and donations

14. To ask "What permits are required for this site to operate?

15. To have a party in his honor

16. Help again

So, if I can get the above, along with the other 4,709, 984 things I need, I should be in pretty good shape. How about you?

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